Annuities: Safety and Long-Term Growth

Guaranteed Income Stream

Provide guaranteed, predictable payments at a fixed interest rate, ensuring a stable income regardless of market conditions.

Fixed Annuities:

Convert a lump sum into regular payments, offering a reliable income stream for life, regardless of how long the client lives.

Immediate Annutities:

Fixed Protection

Guarantee the return of the principal along with protecting the investment from market volatility. Get principal protection while allowing for potential growth based on the performance of a market index, but not investing directly into the index.

Fixed Index Annuities

Tax-Deferred Growth

Annuities allow for the tax-deferred accumulation of investment earnings, enabling faster growth as the earnings compound without annual tax reductions.

These are ideal for retirement planning, especially for individuals in higher tax brackets during their working years who expect to be in a lower tax bracket during retirement.

Potential for Market-led Growth

Offer returns linked to a market index (e.g., S&P 500) while protecting against market downturns.

Fixed Index Annuities

Death Benefit

Annuities often include a death benefit, ensuring that beneficiaries receive financial support if the annuitant passes away.